Legacy Writeup [HTB] [VIP]

2 min readMar 22, 2020

Legacy is the easiest windows machine in HTB. However, my steps will not change and I’ll try to keep things as procedural as possible

The [VIP] tag means that this machine is retired and no longer accessible without VIP status on htb.


  • Enumeration
  • Service exploitation

So, first step, enumeration. Always enumeration.

I have a simple procedure that I use in every machine. First, nmap to discover all open ports

nmap -p- -T4 > portscan.txt

The next step will be using those discovered ports and do a full scan only on those ports. This will speed up the enumeration process, as you only scan open ports.

nmap -p 21,22,139,445,3632 -A -T4 > fullscan.txt

We get a lot of info. We have two services:

  • SMB
  • ms-wbt-server

As the last one is in a closed port, we only have SMB left to try to exploit.

A quick search on google for smb windows XP vulnerabilities comes back with the MS08–067 vuln, reportedly giving us rce. Basically, root.

We find a Metasploit module that’ll do the trick. You could manually exploit this, but why should you bother when you have a great tool that is faster. In the end, you are doing the same thing.

use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi

So, we check the options for the module and try to run the exploit.

We got a meterpreter session!

Now, execute the shell command to get a windows shell and navigate through the system to find the flags.

Navigate into C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktopand grab our root.txt

Don’t forget to grab the user.txt from C:\Documents and Settings\john\Desktop

And we’re done.

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/caveeroo

Htb (Respect): https://bit.ly/2WzKgsC

Disclaimer: This article is only meant for educational purposes. Any action that derives from this article which isn’t meant for educational purposes is not, by any means, supported by the author.

